Saturday, January 11, 2020

LRPD Lt. Michael Ford charged with discharging a weapon and obstructing governmental operations at his Maumelle residence

LRPD mouthpiece Lt. Michael "Lil' Bang" Ford had a blast NYE and caught charges

LRPD Public Information Officer Lt. Michael "Lil' Bang" Ford, Jr. was charged with two criminal offenses by Maumelle Police after a neighbor Martin Marler , a former Pulaski County Sheriff's Deputy, witnessed him firing 40 to 60 rounds from an assault rifle in his back yard and call 911.

Marler is currently employed as a criminal fraud investigator with the State Insurance Department.

Here is the report from the incident.

Both Maumelle and Little Rock Police Departments tried to keep this information from becoming public.
When we initially asked Maumelle PD about the incident they denied responding to any calls at Ford's residence since October 2019 when they responded to a false alarm.

Yeah right.

The report reveals Lt. Ford's lack of honesty when caught in the act of firing a weapon.

He refuses multiple times to identify himself.

He smarts off when the Maumelle officers ask him about firing into the air as many times as he did and how dangerous that is.

Sure he does, he and his group at LRPD put out that information.

While Ford was shooting at imaginary dragons or whatever in the sky, his higher ups and boss at LRPD were responding to similar situations in the most dangerous city in Arkansas and of its size in the USA.

"Lil' Bang" violated numerous LRPD General Orders, Rules and Regulations in his interaction with Maumelle Police Officers.

If that had been him responding to a similar call in Little Rock, we imagine he would have arrested and taken into custody an individual acting in that manner.

Or he might have shot and killed them.

He's done that twice.

We suspect he was suspended after this incident as that would explain why Lt. McClanahan, the individual that previously held Ford's PIO position sent this email out on January 9th.

We sent a request for comments to Chief Keef Humphrey. 

He refused to respond.

That no surprise as his bucket has a big fucking hole in it and it gets larger with each passing day.
LRPD has experienced a sharp increase in illegal officer behavior under the Humphrey administration of the department.  

We report on these matters weekly.

We exposed over 50 LRPD officers that have serious issues with honesty and credibility (click here to view the LRPD Liar's List story).

70% of all LRPD officers are mercenary cops in that they refuse to live in the city that employs them.

80% of the white LRPD officers refuse to live in Little Rock.

The department and the Little Rock Fraternal Order of Police has stated that most all LRPD officers choose to not live in Little Rock is because of crime and schools.

Even the wife of the chief chooses not to live in Little Rock and has remained in Norman, OK.


Ford does not seem to be affected by this incident as he posted a photo of him clubbing on January 3rd on his own Facebook page.

We suspect the mouthy female that yelled at the Maumelle officer was Ford's on and off wife. Dominique Michelle (Henderson) Ford.

We say on and off wife because they were originally married on September 25, 2004.

They divorced in 2010.


Maybe a lawsuit filed against his wife, who was employed as a nurse at St. Vincent, had something to do with the divorce.

 The Ford's went through a Non-Judicial Foreclosure in 2011 over a loan default (LRPD departmental policies and rules frowns on that).

They must have ironed out their differences as they remarried in 2014.

They purchased the home in Maumelle in 2015, but things must have been shaky, or they didn't want to have liens attached to the home as it was only titled in his name.

Ford recently attended a class at the FBI for police officers.

He posted about that on his Facebook page too.

Ford and cops like him is the reason LRPD has a shitty reputation and a lack of respect from the citizens of Little Rock.

City leadership needs to clean house at LRPD from the top down.

Stay tuned for updates.




Thursday, January 9, 2020

LRPD Detective John Brawley arrested for assault on family or household member

John Brawley - another LRPD officer arrested for domestic violence

LRPD Major Crimes/Violent Crimes Detective John Brawley was arrested and booked into the Saline County jail on charges of 3rd degree assault on a family or household member.

Brawley was booked and released.

We posted about Brawley having a take-home vehicle in July 2019 (click here for that story).

According to public records he and an Angela Brawley lived in Benton.

We found that Brawley and his wife Angela divorced in 2013.

At the time of publication we had not determined if they had remarried.

Brawley was suspended back in 2007.

Brawley was also involved in two shootings:

01/04/2005 - Four officers fired their weapons at a stolen car suspect. They fired 43 rounds only wounding the suspect once in his hand.

⧫ 07/15/2005 - Officers fired at suspect holding a cellphone they thought was a handgun (no gun found). Rounds fire hit a second suspect too.

Brawler violated the social media policy when he posted this back in 2013  without obtaining permission.

We sent a text message to LRPD Chief Humphrey for comment.

He did not respond.

We have requested booking records from the Saline County Sheriff's Office and will update this story as more information is obtained.


***UPDATE 1/10/2020***

We received the report the Benton Police Department filed about the Brawley Domestic Violence incident and it reveals some disturbing, but not unexpected information about Det. Brawley.

We have put in a request to Benton PD for the body camera footage. Stay tuned for updates.

***UPDATE 01/10/2020 5:00 PM CST***

A highly placed source has advised us to make another a FOI request to Benton PD as a detective assigned to the Brawley Case has filed a supplemental report that included photographs of needles and vials containing a liquid substance.

An update will be posted upon receipt of additional records.

***UPDATE 01/14/2020 5:16 PM CST*** 

Benton PD responded to our request for the supplemental information.


The vial has Enanthate on it. 

Enanthate is used to treat low testosterone levels in men. It is also used in hormone therapy fro transgender men.

It is a Schedule III Controlled Substance.

We didn't see a prescription label on the vial or a box with a prescription label on it in the photos.

Enanthate is used to treat low testosterone levels in men. It is also used in hormone therapy fro transgender men.

The Benton PD is getting the body camera footage from the incident for us.

Can't wait so see that and what Brawley's demeanor is like during the incident.

Look for an update soon.


LRPD drops quarterly community meetings and will only meet with citizens twice a year

LRPD "Chief Keef" Humphrey
In a shocking and disturbing move, the Little Rock Police Department moves towards less transparency and interaction with citizens by announcing it drops quarterly meetings in favor in semiannual ones.

News of this prompted one citizen to contact her city board representative and express grave concerns.

The first homicide of 2020 occurred in West Little Rock on January 6th (Ward 6) as did a double shooting on January 7th (Ward 5).

Both of these violent crimes are making white folks in their WLR neighborhoods very nervous.

Apparently LRPD did not provide this information to city leadership as they were caught off guard.

We reached out to Ward 5 Director Hines and he advised us that he and other board members were trying to find out why they were not notified. Hines made reference to the email from one of his constituents  and echoed her concerns.

We also spoke with Ward 6 Director Doris Wright and she stated that they (LRPD) had mentioned to her they were going to try something different and refused to make any other comments when asked what she thought about the idea. {Note - It must be pointed out that the publisher of this blog is a resident of Ward 6 and for his Ward representative on the board to not express outrage or the least concern was noted}.

We attempted to contact the mayor or a member of his staff but were not able to reach anyone.  We might try to catch him at Copper Grill at happy hour later today.
Citizens in Little Rock are seriously questioning how LRPD can claim we have any type of community policing when most all LRPD officers refuse to live in the city that employs them. 

Around 70% of all LRPD officers live outside the city. 80% of all white LRPD officers refuse to live in the city that employs them.

Add that to the long list of LRPD officers that have issues with credibility and honesty and you see why citizens have serious concerns.

Stay tuned for updates.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Jonathan Walker, a LRPD Officer suspended for domestic violence, is outed as a stalker

Where do you go for help when the people who are meant to keep you safe are the real danger?

Our last post was about two LRPD officers recently involved in domestic violence incidents.

One of those domestic abusers was Jonathan Walker.

We were contacted by a female that was stalked by Walker after he responded to a call to her residence when a now former boyfriend abused her.

She later received a message from him on Instagram from him.

Walker claimed they "matched" on a dating site.

We asked for a copy of the MVR footage from the incident.  LRPD responded that it was no longer available.

That's a shame as cops often forget that they are being recorded and make some interesting comments.

Perhaps Walker made comments to other officers about the female he subsequently stalked. 

We will never know.

And LRPD might let him resign to keep investigative files from becoming releasable public records.

You might recall our post back in May 2018 about another creepy LRPD officer Jason "Horndog" Butler (if not - click here to view it.

On our Bad Government in Arkansas blog we recently posted about an Arkansas State Police Trooper that used law enforcement resources to stalk and harass a female for several years. You can read that post by clicking here.

Being assaulted or stalked by anyone is surely a deeply disturbing experience; when your stalker is a cop, it must inspire a special kind of terror.

Police officers have easy access to all kinds of information, tracking technology, and, don’t forget, weapons. Where do you go for help when the people who are meant to keep you safe are the real danger?