This blog is dedicated to exposing and documenting misdeeds and misadventures of departments and employees of the city of Little Rock, Arkansas. [ 501-487-1699]
A Snarky Media Group publication
Tainted cops like Corey Dion Hall have shattered the reputation of LRPD
Russ Racop - February 19, 2021
The Little Rock Police Department has made a big deal of allegedly helping citizens during the winter storm.
They have made copaganda posts on social media sites bragging of their actions.
I drove around several days live streaming road conditions all over Little Rock on Facebook and only saw one LRPD vehicle while out and about.
Once citizen went live on Facebook to detail their contact with a LRPD cop on February 17th. Note: The video was altered to protect their identity.
The citizen, a hospital employee, was trying to a neighbor, also a hospital employee, get their vehicle out of a ditch.
The citizen observed LRPD vehicles drive by twice.
One LRPD vehicle stopped and the Good Samaritan asked the cop for assistance.
He said no.
The citizen, a POC, noted the number of the LRPD patrol vehicle - 470, an the race of the cop , also a POC.
So we sent a FOI request to LRPD for the name of the cop that refused to help get a hospital employee's vehicle out of a ditch so they could get to work.
Initially the cRaCkeRjACk LRPD FOI Unit provided the name Christopher Johannes.
Well, that was a surprise as Christopher Johannes is white.
Christopher Johannes - another shit LRPD cop
Johannes is another one of those LRPD cops that causes folks to have little faith in the cops that work for the sketchy department.
Oddly, Johannes disciplinary record revels he has been suspended at least 20 days for infractions involving city owned vehicles.
So we fired of another email to the LRPD FOI Unit apprising them that the individual in the video stated that the cop was Black.
The LRPD FOI Unit responded and said that the cop was Corey Hall and blamed the mistake on a shift change.
✦ He had and possibly still has substance abuse issues.
✦ He got into an argument at a residence in Oklahoma and pointed his LRPD pistol in a man's face.
✦ He got tossed out of a Little Rock bar for being a belligerent, fighting drunk.
✦He's been fired by LRPD twice and the city has been forced to rehire him due agreements the city has established with the Little Rock Fraternal Order of Police.
Hall has a lengthy disciplinary history at LRPD dated back to the 1990's.
Hall was hired on at LRPD back in 1995 when LRPD had a residency requirement.
Not too long after he was hired, LRPD found out what a fuck-up he was.
This is evidenced by two memorandums found in his personnel file.
As no other details about these Internal Investigation files were found in his personnel file, we assume that he was not suspended as a result of either investigation (but some information about these investigations came out in a lawsuit and are detailed later in this post - one case involved an allegation of theft of money from a suspect and Hall striking the suspect over the allegation).
Then in 1997 Hall got his sorry ass fired for the first time.
Hall was off-duty and was in Bartlesville, OK. Hall got into an argument with his ex-wife's new man and pulled his LRPD service pistol out and pointed it in the man's face. Hall got arrested and fired.
Hall's arrest and firing made national news at the time.
Hall appealed his firing to the pro-police Little Rock Civil Service Commission and he was reinstated and simply suspended for 30 days.
In spite of all his fuck-ups, Hall was able to get a promotion to sergeant
in 2008.
Hall started seeing another LRPD fuck-up, Lisa Hernandez. At the time, Hernandez was married to Jose Hernandez. The Hernandez's did not divorce until December 2013.
Lisa Marie (Smith) Hernandez was hired by LRPD in April 2007.
We are not sure of the exact period of time Hall and Hernandez began seeing each other but on January 7, 2009 the couple was involved in a domestic disturbance that resulted in Hall being suspended for 30 days.
Hernandez caught a 5 day suspension.
Also in 2009, Hernandez was suspended after she "misplaced" a bag of marijuana that was evidence in an arrest she made.
They continued their dysfunctional relationship and in 2011 it exploded.
In January 2011, the couple was intoxicated and had a fight at a bar in the Little Rock Rivermarket district.
Then in July 2011, they got into it at another bar in North Little Rock.
It got both of them fired. Hall for his second time and Hernandez for her first.
Both appealed their terminations and as expected with a corrupt system, both of these fuck-ups were reinstated.
Hernandez and Hall each were suspended for 30 days.
Word is that one of them was getting some strange on the side and the other found out.
The couple cooled down and then got married in 2014, just a year after Hernandez got her divorce.
In 2015 Corey Hall was back in the spotlight as he had been the supervisor of another shit LRPD killer cop, Josh Hastings.
Pleadings in a lawsuit brought up Corey Hall's terrible records at LRPD.
This part of the court record detailed some missing information from his personnel file we referenced earlier in the post.
Corey Hall was involved in another lawsuit in 2017. He was ordered to write an apology to a women he used to supervise for using obscene language directed at her and to post that apology at LRPD buildings.
In March 2016 Lisa had her name modified to Lisa Nava-Hall. Nava was her mother's maiden last name.
In April 2017 Corey Hall filed divorce action against Lisa Nava-Hall and it was finalized in June of 2018.
Both of these shit cops remain employed at LRPD and it's no wonder a majority of citizens in Little Rock have little respect for the police department.
It's clear Hall has anger management issues which can be extremely problematic for his law enforcement career and any agency that employs him.
In keeping with our transparency policy, here are public records readily available about Hall and Nava (yep, another name change).
Cops like Hall and Nava that have or had substance abuse issues often used cups of ice from convenience store to use for beverages they call "Road Pop".
Looks like Gonzalez takes after his mom.
***UPDATE - 02/23/21***
A follower reminded us that Gonzalez is one of the LRPDKiller Kop Krew.
The two apparently crossed paths at some crime scene or a LRFOP party and began dating in 2019.
The couple (who lived in Chalsea's home in Cabot) got engaged and obtained a marriage license on September 4, 2020 (in Pulaski County - while stealing time no doubt).
The wedding took place on September 12, 2020.
We found that the couple had engaged the services of a photographer and took some engagement photos.
Some were romantic.💓
Some were playful.😄
And some were shocking and highly inappropriate.😡💩
These "crime scene" photos beside being shocking and highly inappropriate, are demeaning and insulting to Little Rock violent crime victims and their families and friends.
We asked the Little Rock mayor and police chief if they had any comments about the appalling photos.
The problematic police chief sort of responded.
It appears that Chalsea uses CLR equipment in the "crime scene" photos.
Did she obtain permission from her chain-of-command to do so?
Probably not. As she like to take chances.
What are the chances she and Olen will be disciplined?
Slim to none based on experience in such matters with LRPD.
LRPD administration is so corrupt that they probably think the photos the mercenary cop and his crime scene tech wife posed for are funny.
Horrific behavior like this must be dealt with by fitting and swift disciplinary actions.
Examples must be made.
The photos we found are (at the time of posting) openly posted on the interwebs...