Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Records obtained from a sources connected to Little Rock City Hall have leaked emails that indicated members of the Little Rock Board of Directors conducted meetings via email and text messages in violation of Arkansas laws.

Now those board members are panicking and fighting release of those emails and text messages sought in a Freedom of Information request made by the publisher of this blog. An appeal of denial of rights under the AFOIA is being filed today and the board members will be sued as individuals and in their official capacity. They will be served notice of the action at tonight's agenda meeting. 

How many of them will skip the meeting tonight to avoid service?

The matter of the disputed candidacy of Ward 2 candidate Valerie Tatum is what was discussed in the "electronic meetings" of the board. Topic of discussion was whether the city should take legal action to have Tatum disqualified and if a special called board meeting should take place to deal with the matter.

It has been speculated that the matter will be addressed at the agenda meeting tonight, but don't count on it.

This board is filled with tired, worn-out individuals who don't really give a damn what happens in this city.

You can see that by attending board meetings or watching the meetings on public access TV or live-streaming on YouTube.


When Valerie Tatum submitted her affidavit of candidacy for the Ward 2 position on the Little Rock Board of Directors, the address she gave as her residence was in Ward 1. A huge problem for the city clerk as she should have taken the time to verify residency in the Ward.

We know Tatum was a Ward 1 resident from her voter registration which clearly indicated she was a resident of Ward 1 and had voted in Ward 1 back in May.

Based on a complaint made to the city attorney Tom Carpenter about Tatum's eligibility, Carpent made a review of the records and determined that Tatum was not a qualified candadte due to residency. 

This is what Tatum's attorney sent the city attorney:

 This is an email exchange between City Attorney Tom Carpenter and
 Tatum's attorney Jess Askew:

Well, the mayor and members of the board did not want the city attorney to file a legal action because Tatum is backed by the Walton Foundation and Dickson Flake as Tatum is neck deep involved in a charter school.

The city had no problems suing mayoral candidates Warwick Sabin and Frank Scott but balked at doing the right thing and taking oin Tatum's illegal candidacy head-on. 


Tatum has a home in Maumelle and claims a homestead exemption on it.

When an individual from another town can move into a ward in the city and then run for office in another ward, city leadership must take action.

There is a similar case that will be heard in Hot Spring this Friday involving State Representative Laurie Rushing.

All eyes are on the Little Rock Board and last term mayor Mark Stodola.

They need to do the right thing and let the city attorney take the course of action he intended to take from the start.

There are residents of Ward 2 that are prepared to step up and take action if the board wussies out tonight.

That will be a stain on the city and the legacy of its leaders.

And great blogging material too.



Sunday, October 28, 2018


Have you been blocked from commenting on a city director's social media? 

If so contact us as we are exploring filing a lawsuit against each director that has blocked us from posting comments.

Courts have ruled that public officials cannot block individuals from commenting on social media pages.

A public official in Arkansas has been sued this month for doing just that.

All sitting board members except Erma Hendrix, have accepted funds from  a Chamber of Commerce affiliated and fronted Political Action Committee. This seems sketchy as the board has voted time and time again to hand over around $300k a year to the CoC for the past decade for "economic development" with little or no accountability for how the funds were spent.

Many directors, including Doris Wright and B.J. Wyrick have taken contributions from organizations like the Realtors Association PAC that fights equitable landlord/tenant laws yet they claim they support tenant rights.

Does the NRA give funds to candidates that support tighter gun laws?  

Does the Realtors Association PAC expect Wright and Wyrick to have their back?

Hell yes they do. 

And when watchdog individuals like our publisher calls out city directors on their shenanigans  and sketchy actions they refuse to address the questions posed to them, turn tail and run, then block him from posting questions or comments on their social media pages.

It's an election year and it's time for change and time for some lawsuits to make these elected officials obey the law and not violate our rights.

Thursday, October 25, 2018


* If Buckner does not get the job in Syracuse, word from City Manager Bruce Moore is his days are numbered here. 

As we did for the citizens of Charleston back in February, as a public service to the citizens of Syracuse, we offer 10 things you need to know about the individual the citizens of Little Rock hopes and prays is your next police chief.

1. Kenton Tremar Buckner believes that the majority of crime is caused by people of color in Little Rock. He said the same thing when in Louisville, KY.

Buckner's comment drew the ire of the Racial Diversity & Cultural Commission. Buckner had a contentious meeting with them and demanded a letter grade.  They gave him a 'F". Click here and here for details.

2. Kenton Tremar Buckner believes that his decisions are not to be questioned by anyone, including city leadership and if they do so it is "dangerous".

3. Kenton Tremar Buckner believes that laws do not apply to himself or police officers.

Buckner does not believe in giving any law enforcement officer a ticket for speeding or causing an accident while on or off duty.  Click here for details.

When an LRPD officer was captured by a security camera urinating in the open street, Buckner thought it was acceptable.  Click here for details.


4. Kenton Tremar Buckner is not a safe driver.

Buckner has wrecked his city issued ride at least twice. Both accidents were his  fault. Click here for details.


5. Kenton Tremar Buckner does not believe in open records or transparency.

LRPD routinely refuses to provide documents or video recordings when requested pursuant to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. It is only after threatening to take legal action (there is a section of the AFOIA that permits the filing of legal action for denial of rights under the AFOIA) that they relent and provide the documents. Click here and here for details.

Our publisher has filed and won two AFOIA appeals against Buckner. Buckner admitted that the failure to comply with the law was a "failure in leadership" and that it "fell on him".

6. Kenton Tremar Buckner is a hypocrite.

(a) Buckner has questioned the need for black officers in Little Rock to have and belong to the Black Police Officers Association. The BPOA is highly critical of Buckner and did not want him hired as police chief.  Yet he uses Little Rock tax dollars to maintain memberships and attend conferences for the  National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives ("NOBLE") and the National Forum for Black Public Administrators ("NFBPA"). Click here for details.

(b) Buckner suspended an officer that was seen talking with a former classmate.  Unknown to the officer her former classmate had a felony record - a fact she was not aware of.  LRPD has a police about hanging out with felons and sketchy characters. Yet Buckner is often seen with a convicted sex offender at many civic functions. Click here for details.

7. Kenton Tremar Buckner likes fancy cars.


Buckner has two personal vehicles. A 2000 Mercedes-Benz and a 1966 Cadillac.  We question Buckner's use/misuse of his city provided ride when he has two pimp rides he could use to go to church, to go eat lunch on weekends and after work, and to go bar hopping to get shots of Bourbon or run personal errands.We suspect Buckner is too cheap to purchase his own gas. Certainly with the frequency he causes accidents it's nice to pass the cost of insurance claim payouts to the city's insurance carrier.  And with no citations issued his own insurance company has no idea that he had been the cause of accidents so they can raise his rates as he is a risk.


8. Kenton Tremar Buckner is a liar.  

(a) Buckner said that "disagreement is a sign of healthy communication", however he blocks individuals that have conflicting viewpoints from his own from posting on department social media sites. Click here for details.

In Q&A with Buckner from the summer of 2015 he said this about use of social media:

Reporter: Somebody told us that you've been big about getting Facebook likes on the LRPD Facebook page. Is social media a part of that puzzle of community policing?

Buckner: Sure it is, because whoever told you that thought it was important enough for you to know that. It's certainly important to us. We feel like social media is a viable means for us to get out our message. We're no longer 100 percent dependent on the media to tell the story for the Little Rock Police Department. We want to connect with people via social media. Many people, particularly young folks, use social media as their communication avenue, and we want to make sure we're putting things out through those avenues so people can see what's going on in their community, people can see what's going on with their police department, people can see things that they can engage with, whether it's some kind of initiative [such as] when we did the [KTHV, Channel 11] cereal drive [for the Arkansas Foodbank]. We put things out there like that. When you can reach almost 15,000 people on Facebook, and they in turn turn around and send it to other folks they know, now we're beginning to spread the word other than, maybe, just seeing me in a news conference or something that's in the paper. We can do that at our leisure, rather than just waiting on someone to come here and do the story when they think it's good for them.

(b) When the city of Little Rock was experiencing record high numbers of homicides and violent crimes,  Buckner was asked by members of the city Board of Directors if he thought his department could benefit from assistance from the Arkansas State Police,  he vehemently pushed back.  Buckner did not tell the truth in that he had asked the Arkansas State just two days before his appearance before the board. Click here for details.

Buckner was forced to unblock individuals from LRPD social media pages after a promise of another lawsuit by our publisher, who was a victim of Buckner's content discrimination.

Buckner used his city issued cellphone to respond to messages on internet dating websites. He lied and said he was from Memphis and used the pseudonym "NegoPapi".

All this was confirmed in a deposition of Buckner. Buckner also admitted he used the "N" word.

9.  Kenton Tremar Buckner is careless with weapons.

(a) Buckner lost a city issued handgun and cannot explain how it happened. It later was found in posses of a felon would would not provide information how it came into his possession.  Smells of shenanigans.

(b) Buckner left a handgun in his city issued SUV and it was discovered when employees of city fleet services picked it up from police HQ for servicing and cleaning (it was found under the drivers seat according to sources). Fleet services notified Buckner and he had them immediately bring it back to him and told them to not say anything about the gun being left in the SUV.

10. Kenton Tremar Buckner likes to travel using public funds.


While employed by the city of Little Rock, Buckner spent $10,865.35 per year traveling and attending seminars. Click here for details.

In 2017, as things were falling apart at the seams at LRPD, Buckner used $14,000.00 in public funds to attend a leadership school at Harvard to boost his resume to make him more attractive to a potential employer, like the city of Charleston.

We could have titled this post 100 things you need to know about Kenton Tremar Buckner, but you get the point with these 10.


Things that Kenton Tremar Buckner does not want you to know.

Buckner has objections to Little Rock police officers having facial hair even though he sported a butt-hole tickler mustache when on the Louisville KY police force.

A persistent allegation from LRPD personnel is that Buckner once called for assistance from an officer, the son of an assistant police chief, to remove handcuffs from his arm at his residence.

Buckner has failed to address this allegation or respond to requests for a response.

Buckner used the LRPD Facebook page as his own personal page and posted comments about where he was attending church services or eating a meal.

Buckner would not issue tickets to a police Chaplin for having fictitious tags (the Texas plate) on his car and parking in a handicapped spot with no handicap license plate or hang tag near LA Fitness.

Buckner has a temper and frequently makes snippy comments about individuals that have upset him. Recently, an individual was in city manager Bruce Moore's office and Moore called Buckner to check on a matter.  The individual could hear Buckner screaming at his boss Moore through the telephone handset.  One wonders what Buckner has on Moore to not be reprimanded of fired for such a display of insubordination.  

Kenton Tremar Buckner failed to pay state taxes when due and had a lien filed against him.

In 2017 when Little Rock was experience it's highest number of violent crimes and homicides since Bangin' in the Rock days, Buckner refused to seek help from other law enforcement agencies, until the Governor stepped in.

Buckner is desperate to get out of Little Rock and distance himself from the lawsuits mounting over his rogue undercover officers and a lying snitch that fabricated drug buys.

It's being reported that the fabricated cases by Buckner's Boy and the lying snitch are being dropped.

We will be glad to get rid of this befouled buffoon and wish you the best of luck Syracuse. Thanks for taking him off our hands!

#TimeForChange #CleanOutLRCityHall #ByeByeBuckner 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


We broke the news today that befouled LRPD Police Chief Kenton Tremar Buckner is one of the 6 finalist for the chief's job in Syracuse, NY.

Our reaching out to Charleston, SC officials and this post, was instrumental to them telling Buckner he was not going to get the job. Buckner tried to spin it and "withdrew" his application.  

A Charleston newspaper reported that Buckner's problems in Little Rock were a huge factor in his not being selected.

We will soon post an updated version of our "10 things you need to know about Kenton Tremar Buckner" for our friends in Syracuse.

We and our content sharing partner, Corruption Sucks blog, had seen an increase in traffic on our sites from servers in the Syracuse area. We found that Syracuse was hiring and checking with sources led to us being the first media outlet to get the story out.

More to follow....stay tuned.


Thursday, October 11, 2018


We broke the story about  rogue LRPD officer Brandon "Butterball" Johnson and his alleged sexual assault of DWI suspect.  

We also broke the story about Butterball's arrest for violating an order of protection.  

Based on the email from city attorney Tom Carpenter, we now know for certain that video/audio exists of the alleged assault from the patrol vehicle MVR.

As usual, LRPD refuses to release it so we will make another trip to Circuit Court and win yet another case against befouled LRPD Chief Kenton Tremar Buckner.


Wednesday, October 10, 2018



We were first to identify rookie LRPD officer Eboney Warren as the officer that apparently ran a stop sign at Charles Bussey and Maple striking a car driven by a mother and her three children Monday evening.

According to witnesses, the rookie did not have her lights or siren activated.
LRPD disputes this. We will have to wait and see what the MVR recordings from the vehicle reveal.  

Take a look at a video made of the accident scene by an eyewitness.

We discovered that the Warren's might be in a pickle with LRPD Administration in that they filed to pay their state income tax when due and the Department of Finance & Administration recently filed a lien against both of them.

Records on file at the Pulaski County Circuit Clerk's Officer reflect the past due taxes have not been paid.

The pair makes a nice income from LRPD. Add income from off-duty employment and they have above average income for Arkansas. One wonders why they would risk jobs by not paying taxes and ignoring collection letters from DFA.

The Warren's with a combined salaries of $91,107.74 are not paupers by any means.

Eboney could and should have used that $5k signing bonus check she got from city manager Bruce Moore to pay the taxes owed. She would have had money left over.

Another problem for the pair is that their voter registration is sketchy.

According to the tax lien the pair lives in Alexander, AR.

According the the Secretary of State, they are registered to vote at different addresses - the hubby in Little Rock and the wifey in Bryant.

Mr. Warren uses the same address on his voter registration that he used on their marriage license from 2011.

All of this is problematic for the Warren's and in turn for LRPD and the city of Little Rock.

Not paying your taxes when due is a violation of the law. In fact its a felony.

And according to A.C.A. § 7-1-103 it is a misdemeanor offense to be registered in the wrong precinct/city other than the one in which you reside:

"(11)  No person shall willfully cause or attempt to cause his or her own name to be registered in any other election precinct than that in which he or she is or will be before the next ensuing election qualified as an elector..."

The Warren's appear to be in violation of several of LRPD Rules & Regulations as tax deadbeats and fraudulent voters.

Violations that involve gross misconduct and can cause discredit to LRPD can result in discipline ranging from a verbal reprimand up to termination.

And there is this:

LRPD General Orders details a Code of Ethics for officers: 

Officer misconduct on and off-duty is an all to frequent event at LRPD.

That is due to a failure in leadership and it falls directly upon befouled chief Kenton Tremar Buckner.

Buckner must be replaced and if Bruce Moore wants to keep his position he will not waste anymore time dancing around the issue.


We obtained the incident report from the accident and Officer Eboney Warren admits that she "disregarded" the stop sign.

LRPD released the MVR video from Officer Warren's patrol vehicle but they removed information that indicated that Warren was speeding reaching speeds nearing 60 mph. The posted speed limit on on the street is 25 mph.



Suspended LRPD officer Brandon "Butterball" Johnson was arrested on October 4th for violation of a temporary Order of Protection that had been issued on September 27th.

Johnson was suspended on or about September 24th after it was alleged that he forced a female he pulled over to perform oral sex on him.

We broke that story and you can read our post about that incident by clicking here.

Stay tuned for updates.

***UPDATE 10/11/18 3:30 pm*** 

We obtained court and jail records for this incident as well as other times that Butterball was suspended from employment with LRPD.


The Saline County Sheriff's Office deleted Butterball's mugshot and arrest information from their website. No doubt they are protecting one of their own. 

They illegally redacted the report they sent us and we will be see the Saline County Sheriff in court in about seven days or so.

According to records obtained from LRPD, Butterball has a less than stellar record with them.

The alleged sexual assault incident is suspension number five for him.

 You might ask are there other rogue LRPD officers like Butterball.

The answer is yes.

You'll be reading about them shortly.