Friday, August 24, 2018



On August 16th, a civilian employee of the Little Rock Police Department, Judy Lewis, sent an email to all LRPD employees in which she expressed frustration about answering misrouted telephone calls about sex offenders. Lewis added her personal opinion that way to deal with sex offenders was to "Shoot them!"

About an hour (and a dressing down by her supervisor) later, Lewis sent out another department wide email expressing regret for her unprofessional remarks. Lewis added a sad face emoticon to show how really sorry she was.

It then took befouled LRPD Chief Kenton Tremar Buckner several hours to address the unprofessional and ill advised email.

The investigation that Kenton Tremar Buckner made reference to in his email was completed in record time (usually it takes months to complete an internal investigation, at least it does if an officer is involved) and Lewis will not suffer any consequences for her actions. 

Lewis has worked for the city since 1993 and with LRPD since 1995. According to personnel records obtained has no previous history of complaints or disciplinary action.

We are not surprised as LRPD under the Buckner administration has little regard for laws and employees get away with lying, fabricating cases and domestic abuse.

We are not defending any sex offender, nor arguing that Lewis does not have the right to hold any opinion.

What we take issue with is that she used her position as a public employee to express and disseminate her personal opinion. An act that is in violation of departmental rules and of state and federal laws.

This is another slippery slope LRPD is sliding down and we suspect that Lewis is not the only employee that uses city email to express personal opinions and beliefs.

We know that LRPD officers show their support and affiliation with radical right wing racist/extremist  groups on their personal social media accounts with little or no consequences from the department. These are the same officers that refuse to live in the city of Little Rock.

It's past time for a change in leadership at LRPD and in positions at city hall.

Change is coming and Buckner needs to move on and allow new leadership to clean up the mess he has made and begin to fix the fractured department to regain trust and confidence in LRPD by the citizens of the city.


Sunday, August 19, 2018



Befouled LRPD Chief Kenton Tremar Buckner, known in the street as "NegroPapi", will be back in court for a second time in less than a month for another case in which he and his department refused to comply with a legal request for public records.

The latest hearing will take place tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. before the Honorable Judge Mackie Pierce.

One of the records that Buckner did not want to release involved LRPD incident reports in which LRPD Officer, and Fraternal Order of Police representative John Gilchrist was listed as a suspect.

If you don't know about Gilchrist, you can read an enlightening piece published by The Arkansas Project. 

You can read the full article by clicking here

Another involved a request for records regarding changes in LRPD Social Media policy that Lt. Michael Ford testified had changed but could not give any salient details. 

We believe that Buckner might have changed the policy after we send about 30 complaints with exhibits of violations of that policy, complaints that he never responded to.

LRPD has a pattern of not providing a response to our FOI requests in accordance with our transparency laws, in retaliation of our exposing wrongdoings of LRPD employees and officers.

It's time that troubled city manager Bruce Moore fires Buckner and then resigns himself.

We have a post coming out later this week exposing several lies we caught Moore telling, in public and private.

The citizens of Little Rock deserve better.

#TimeForChange #CleanOutLRCityHall


Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Befouled LRPD Police Chief Kenton Tremar Buckner failed to pay $4,744.57 in state income taxes when due which resulted in the Department of Finance & Administration ("DFA") filing a Certificate of Indebtedness (a lien) against him.

LRPD Rules and Regulations apply to all sworn members of the police department. See Rules & Regulations, 1/1003.00.

Violations of these rules subject the offender to disciplinary action. See Rules & Regulations, 1/2002.00. 

Payment of debts incurred is 1/7009.00.

The same holds true in the department's General Orders.

Apparently Buckner did not include a check with his state tax return and he failed to respond to demands for payment.

His failure to make the required payment for taxes owed resulted in DFA taking the serious step of filing a lien against him.


Buckner paid his tax debt after the filing of the DFA lien, but the fact that he was making over $140,000 in salary from the city and still could not make arrangements to keep DFA from taking that drastic measure.

Buckner has demonstrated a pattern of practice and behavior that laws do not apply to him and we have posted several stories about that.

It's time for troubled city manager Bruce Moore to cut Buckner loose and start the process of rehabilitating that foul city department.

Friday, July 20, 2018


LRPD Chief Kenton Tremar Buckner, A.K.A., NegroPapi

Apparently Little Rock Police Chief Kenton Tremar Buckner has to go to Memphis to hook up with folks and he apparently uses his city issued vehicle and cellphone for these "dates".

We know that 501-297-1863 is the number for the city issued cellphone for Buckner, a.k.a., NegroPapi as we have previously obtained copies of his cellphone records under AFOIA requests. 

Based on information and belief, NegroPapi uses his city issued ride for his excursions to Memphis.

Buckner's city issued ride decked out with a bike rack for personal use

Buckner was using his city issued ride when he backed into a van one Sunday after eating lunch. You can read about that by clicking here

Buckner owns two cars, but we doubt he uses them for road trips to Memphis.

NegroPapi's personal pimp rides

A lot of folks think NegroPapi is married. 


Take a look at his mortgage for his home; Kenton Buckner, Unmarried Man".

Ever since NegroPapi landed his job as LRPD COP, there have been persistent rumors that he is gay. Nothing wrong with that, in fact a gay, black police chief of a Southern city would be a nice thing to help the bad image the rest of the world has of Little Rock if that were true.

LRPD is full of gay and lesbian officers and at least one Assistant Chief is included in that group.

One fact we do know is that a woman, namely Cassandra Woods, had a code to NegroPapi's garage door but not his alarm according to this police report. 

You can view the full report by clicking here.

We don't know what her involvement was or is with Buckner, neither will say.

We have heard NegroPapi state that he is a stay-at-home person and does not go out much in Little Rock.

Maybe that is because he would be recognized here and folks might talk.

Ergo his use of Memphis as his place of residence on that dating site and going to Memphis to meet someone special and have a good time without prying eyes busting him out at a gay or straight bar.

But if a man will like about the little things, like where he lives, what else will he lie about?

Buckner has officers working for him that have a documented issue with truthfulness. 

The most prominent one is John "SmackMyBitchUp" Gilchrist, a vice president of the Little Rock Fraternal Order of Police.  

John "SmackMyBitchUp" Gilchrist

You can read about him by clicking here.

There are a bunch of others that will be exposed in a LRPD Liar's List that we are in the process of publishing.

Files we have obtained in addition to officers with issues with truthfulness, include officers that have shown up to work intoxicated, been arrested for contempt of court, sneaking off to go to their home outside of Little Rock to use the bathroom while on duty, and having sex while on duty.

The recent resignation of LRPD Office Jason "Horndog" Butler and the fact that LRPD did not fire him after his first #MeToo situation is incomprehensible. 

Former LRPD officer Jason "Horndog" Butler

You can read about Horndog by clicking here.

NegroPapi has been an embarrassment to the city of Little Rock since Bruce "HomeWrecker" Moore hired him. You can read about that by clicking here.

Moore is to blame for not taking responsibility for his unwise hiring of Buckner and getting rid of him.

A reasonable person would have thought Moore would have fired him after what he said about Little Rock being "in his rear view mirror" when he tried to get a job in Charleston, South Carolina but was rejected due to long standing issues with his dealing with black officers.

Perhaps Moore and Buckner will resign and save the Little Rock Board of Directors the trouble of firing them and stop an embarrassing investigation and keep telling documents from being released.

We will dig further into the allegations about NegroPapi and post updates.

Check out this post about Bruce "HomeWrecker" Moore and Kenton Tremar "NegroPapi" Buckner you might have missed. Click on the photo below to go the the post.

***UPDATE 9/2/18***

A transcript of a deposition of Buckner confirms that he uses the pseudonym "NegoPapi".  He claims that he does not use his city issued cellphone (we know that is a lie) and his city owned vehicle (a FOI request for gas receipts will answer that question).

 Click here to view the full deposition transcript.

Monday, July 16, 2018



The city of Little Rock once tried to operate a homeless day center in what was the building that house the Union Rescue Mission. They failed miserably and then paid a Catholic based charity group to run it.

DePaul USA initially had a nun run their Jericho Way center, which was and is only open during the week and only until 2:30 p.m. each day (they turn folks out at 2:00 p.m though). When she moved on, a young inexperienced, freshly graduated social worker. Mandy Fallon (her name at that time) was put in charge.

Mandy's prior work experience had been as a caretaker for the non-medical service company  Home Instead Senior Care. Her duties there included sponge baths, changing diapers and dumping out bedpans for seniors with Alzheimer's and dementia. 


As her LinkedIn page from that time indicates, she had little prior work experience and no experience running anything except her mouth. And boy can she do that - more on that a bit later.

In 2009 Mandy Maynard (her name at the time) moved to Arkansas and because her education was lacking, she enrolled at Pulaski Tech to get her GPA high enough to be accepted at UALR.

In 2010 Mandy got married to her first husband,  Michael Patrick Fallon.

In July 2012, Mandy and Mike had a daughter, Sophie.

Mandy was a non-traditional student (older than the usual college aged students) and she obtained a Bachelor and Masters in Social Work while working as a caretaker.


Marriage #1 didn't work out for Mandy; hubby #1 filed for a divorce in February 2015 citing "general indignities" - a polite was of saying she was not a faithful wife.

The divorce was finalized in February 2015. 


Mandy is also a bit of a Gold Digger. Only  married to hubby #1 for a few short years but she wanted a chunk of his retirement account.

Mandy got busy right away going after hubby #2. We suspect Eddie might have had something to do with the problems in marriage #1, remember those "general indignities". Word is they met through involvement in the Big Brothers Brothers Big Sister of Central Arkansas when she was still married to hubby #1.

A just a year after her divorce from hubby #1 was granted, she married hubby#2.

Inexperienced Mandy got a huge promotion in 2017 when she was picked to replace the nun, Sister Elizabeth Greim.

Mandy has been too busy to update her LinkedIn profile to reflect her Peter Principle Promotion.

It's safe to say that Davis has no clue what it is like to be homeless. He own words confirm that.


After all she lives in a five bedroom house in Chenal and she and her current husband have three cars.

One for each to drive to work and a Mercedes-Benz for when they go to swanky events and want to show off their wealth and positions.

One would think that as the Director of the cities homeless day center, Mandy would be WOKE about homeless matters. Wrong.

In an article that appeared in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette on July 23, 2017.

Mandy questioned the use of Jericho Way grounds, city owned property, to feed homeless meals that had previously been served under the Broadway Bridge. The Under the Bridge meal program operated by local churches came under attack from the city and was halted.

Yes Mandy, there is a true need for feeding the homeless in Little Rock.

Last month our publisher posted a comment on the Jericho Way Facebook page concerning the questionable fundraiser, Sleep Out In The Rock, that Jericho Way holds in a city park after the park is closed for the night to the public.

Mandy called our publisher all pissed off that he did not discuss his concerns about the fundraiser with her the previous day at a meeting they jointly attended. 

Our publisher told Mandy that he only found out about the questionable fund raiser the day after that meeting. But that did not slow down her tirade.

Our publisher asked Mandy how she could justify a bunch of rich (mostly white) folks paying from $300 to $3,000 to spend the night in a city park when homeless folks get run out or arrested for doing that very same thing. She called our publisher a jerk.

We sent a FOI request to the city for documents that allowed Jericho Way to violate city ordinances and remain in Murry Park, after its posted hours (all city parks close at 10 p.m.) and have individuals spend the whole night in the park. 

They could not produce any documents.

Mandy tries to put on a "moral" face and act as if she has lofty values.

But the truth is she is morally bankrupt. This is a prime example from her Instagram account when separated from hubby #1 during their divorce proceedings. What kind of values do you have that thinks a photo like this is something that you should post on social media?

Since Mandy is a big fan of Dr. Seuss, here some advice he might have given her:

We suspect that Mandy's lack of moral fiber is why she is high on Bruce "Homewrecker" Moore's list of favorites... bird's of a feather.

The city of Little Rock needs to end its partnership with the Catholic Church mission at Jericho Way and hire its own staff to run a true fully operational homeless resource centers in all areas of the city.

#TimeForChange #CleanOutLRCityHall 

***UPDATE - 07/31/18***

Apparently Mandy was a little butthurt over this post as you can see by reading her rant on Facebook.

She says she uses her White Heterosexual Privilege to ward off police brutality.

Davis claiming that she uses white privilege is pure hypocrisy. Why does she have to tout her sexuality? Is that a reaction formation? Or just her quirky way of expressing humor like the dildo picture above?

We don't have to make stuff up to substantiate our assertions that she is the wrong person for the job she holds, her own words prove it.

We will be sending a FOI request to LRPD for any and all incident reports that list her name (as a victim or suspect) or Jericho Way as well as any complaint she has made against LRPD officers for police brutality.

And here is something else she didn't put on her resume or on her Facebook rant. 

Davis used as a sign of mental illness the poor hygiene some of our houseless friends have do to a lack of facilitates to clean themselves and their clothes.

Davis does no state that she offered him any preventative services, she just files a petition to have him committed to a psychiatric facility mostly basedon his appearance.

Oh wait... you say Jericho Way has showers and a washer and dryer?  Maybe Mr. Farmer tried to take a shower and wash his clothes at Jericho Way but could not get there during the week when they are open of before they close at 2:00 p.m.  
Note to the houseless that seek help from Jericho Way: Don't go there unless you have washed our clothes and bathed. You might get the same treatment as Mr. Farmer.

Stay tuned for updates. You know we will have some.