Records obtained from LRPD, records that they did not want to produce and which they took their sweet time releasing, reveal that the LRPD officer Jason "Horndog" Butler had a history of questionable behavior with females while duty.
When you read what those reported situation were, you will wonder why LRPD did not fire him after the first incident back in 2015. Maybe sick, sketchy sexually abuse behavior is acceptable at the Little Rock Police Department and the city of Little Rock.
Officer Jason "Horndog" Butler got our attention back on April 15th when Mitch McCoy, a reporter with Fox16, aired a story about "Horndog".
McCoy reported that while on suspension and with nothing better to do, "Horndog" was trolling the city early one morning and claimed to find a juvenile female at a bus stop. "Horndog" identified himself to the juvenile as a police officer and subsequently took her back to his residence to spend the night as he was concerned about her safety.
Exactly how he identified himself as a LRPD officer is unclear, as an officer on suspension turns in their badge, LRPD ID card and weapon.
And an officer on suspension is no longer an officer - he/she cannot act in an official capacity; they are relieved from all duties as an LRPD officer.
An officer that acts as an officer when on suspension is also a serious problem.
An officer that acts as an officer when on suspension is also a serious problem.
Another sketchy detail is the bus stop. Rock Region Metro stops operating at around 9:00 PM and does not start at most locations until around 6:00 AM.
This is the narrative of from the police report:
The full report can be viewed by clicking here.
At the time this latest event with "Horndog" Butler occurred he was on a 14 day suspension for an event that happened back in 2017 where he was involved in "come-on" attempt to a married woman that called the police to report a domestic disturbance and he was one of the officers responded to the call.
The event in 2017 was where "Horndog" Butler had responded with Officer
The complete LRPD Internal Investigation file for the 2017 incident can be viewed by clicking here.
You will not be surprised to find that that was not the first time Officer "Horndog" Butler was involved in extremely questionable behavior.
The first reported incident occurred back in 2015 and it involved Officer "Horndog" Butler inappropriately touching a female's genital area and sending text messages to her about the incident.
The complete LRPD Internal Investigation file for the 2015 incident can be view by clicking here.
Officer "Horndog" Butler only received a letter of reprimand for the 2015 incident because the victim did not cooperate with the police.
Was the victim threatened by Officer"Horndog" Butler or others? Was she paid off and encouraged to lay low?
She is not the only victim that is reluctant to cooperate with LRPD. LRPD has a trust issues with our citizens.
LRPD conveniently forgot to include the MVR recording in which the victim of his unwanted touches asks him if he is supposed to be touching her vagina.
The full report can be viewed by clicking here.
At the time this latest event with "Horndog" Butler occurred he was on a 14 day suspension for an event that happened back in 2017 where he was involved in "come-on" attempt to a married woman that called the police to report a domestic disturbance and he was one of the officers responded to the call.
The event in 2017 was where "Horndog" Butler had responded with Officer
The complete LRPD Internal Investigation file for the 2017 incident can be viewed by clicking here.
You will not be surprised to find that that was not the first time Officer "Horndog" Butler was involved in extremely questionable behavior.
The first reported incident occurred back in 2015 and it involved Officer "Horndog" Butler inappropriately touching a female's genital area and sending text messages to her about the incident.
The complete LRPD Internal Investigation file for the 2015 incident can be view by clicking here.
Officer "Horndog" Butler only received a letter of reprimand for the 2015 incident because the victim did not cooperate with the police.
Was the victim threatened by Officer"Horndog" Butler or others? Was she paid off and encouraged to lay low?
She is not the only victim that is reluctant to cooperate with LRPD. LRPD has a trust issues with our citizens.
LRPD conveniently forgot to include the MVR recording in which the victim of his unwanted touches asks him if he is supposed to be touching her vagina.
Officer "Horndog" Butler had this to say to investigators about the incident:
It is clear that Officer Jason "Horndog" Butler has a problem and has no place being a police officer and that LRPD dies not appear to be concerned about his actions toward females.
Their lack of transparency and refusing to provide all the documents involving Butler is yet another sign that changes are needed in leadership at LRPD.
If anyone has been the victim of unwanted sexual advances by Officer Jason "Horndog" Butler please get in contact with us.
Stay tuned for updates.
#TimeForChange #CleanOutLRCityHAll #MeToo